Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Last Chemo

February 13 was the date of my last chemo. Thank goodness for insurance. I can't imagine what the cost would have been without it. My out of pocket for the treatments because the care went through 2 calendar years was over $8,000.00!

The last treatment went really fast but I knew that it would be three weeks before I would start to feel normal again. That is the bad part about start to feel better about 2 days before your next treatment. But...this time there would be no next treatment and I was so looking forward to a continuous improvement in my health. My hair was starting to sprout a little, blood counts were improving and I had somewhat of an appetite.

One month to the day after my last treatment, Emaleigh was born. I was feeling better but in no way was my strength and endurance back to normal. Thank goodness she was a good baby, not fussy at all.

Once she was born, the spark in me ignited! She gave me so much joy and I felt alive for the first time since my diagnosis!

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