Monday, December 15, 2008

And another shoe falls

During the time between September and November, details are pretty fuzzy. I was out of it most of the time. My blood counts were in the toilet, I had no appetite or energy, I was feeling sorry for myself and life generally sucked. I don't remember the date but it was a Friday night. I was in the bed and my daughter was sitting in the recliner in my bedroom. She stood up and her body turned slightly. OMG...Erika are you pregnant? She started to cry. It seems that she got pregnant right before my surgery and between the mastectomy, chemo, hair loss, etc, she could never find the right time to tell me. Didn't want to make me feel bad when I felt good and didn't want to make me feel worse when I was feeling bad.

I immediately went in to Mommy Mode..have you been to the doctor, are you taking vitamins, are you eating right? The answers were all no. Okay, Momma to the rescue to make it all better. We had to act quick as she was almost 5 months.

On Monday I called the doctor and got her an appt. Everything looked good and they did an ultrasound. Its a GIRL! OMG...I have my eye on the prize now. I know what I am working so hard for. I am going to be a grandmother!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Grandma! I am happy to hear there is joy in your life!
