Monday, December 15, 2008

I lost my breasts, I lost my hair, I lost my that order

But it is not as bad as it sounds. I worked for the government and because of Hurricane Katrina I was detailed to Washington but Gulfport remained my home in the world of government paperwork. Someone forgot to change it...teehee!

When I realized that chemo was going to be so rough and that I needed to be with my family during this time, I started looking at my options. I could apply for a disability retirement BUT if my agency could accommodate my medical needs, the disability would probably by denied.

I started the package and once I had completed my portion, I forwarded it to my supervisor to complete. In his portion my supervisor stated that they could not accomodate me because my position was being ABOLISHED! In the goverment world if they can't help you with a job of the SAME rank/pay/location you are considered unaccomodated. They were replacing my position with a position of LOWER pay! And the new position would be located in Washington. Hot dog!

My application zipped through the system and after FIVE days, I received a letter stating APPROVED!! It normally takes 30-120 days for an application to route through the system.

My retirement pay is 40% of what my normal pay was. A 60% cut is better than a 100% cut. At least I knew that money would be coming in and for now life would remain somewhat normal.

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